Publication of INFO-POW project outputs
8. November 2023
Final Conference of the ISKILL project in Brussels
5. January 2024On 28 September 2023, the Institute for Forecasting hosted the final seminar Adult learning in the workplace: the need for new skills, which was part of the ISKILL project entitled. The aim of this meeting was to present the results of the research project ISKILL: Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue to Kick-in Inclusive Adult Learning which was carried out by the team of the Institute.
During the event, the researchers presented their findings focusing on educational practices in companies, the role of trade unions, views on public schemes to support employment, as well as their recommendations and support for the development of adult education in relation to digital and green transformation. In the first part, Lucia Mýtna Kureková presented the findings from the comparative data analysis of EU countries, which she carried out together with Miroslav Štefánik and Ivana Studená, and which forms part of the report available on the CEPS website. This was followed by a presentation of findings from empirical research on the automotive industry in Slovakia by Lucia Kováčová and Ivana Studená. The research was carried out together with Lucia Mýtna Kureková and the national report will be available in the next few days.
After the presentations, a roundtable discussion was held with representatives of the stakeholders to validate the research results. We thank the participants for their interest in our research, confirmed by the large participation and productive discussion.
More about the ISKILL project can be found here.