8. November 2023
4. October 2023
In Košice, a meeting of young scientists and researchers from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia will take place on October 19. - 20, 2023.
13. September 2023
The Slovak Academy of Sciences Awards are the oldest awards for scientific work in Slovakia and are among the most prestigious.
2. August 2023
The aim of the webinar, which was co-organised by the ESFRI Strategy Working Group Social and Cultural Innovation (SWG SCI) and the European Alliance of Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH), was to create an opportunity for getting to know the possibilities for Ukraine's involvement in research infrastructures.
22. June 2023
On June 12. - 14. 2023, the employees of CSPV SAV, v.v.i., met in Košice for the eighth regular annual working meeting
3. April 2023
Ivana Studená from the Institute for Forecasting of CSPS SAS is editor of the book „Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe“
13. December 2022
Institute for Forecasting is opening a position for a scientific research activity in the fields of forecasting, co-evolution of institutional and technological change, socio-economic dimensions of global environmental change, labour markets or other relevant areas.
15. November 2022
On November 9, 2022, the staff of the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences met with the International Evaluation Panel (IEP) at the Small Congress Centre SAS.
7. November 2022
The Czech ESS team from the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organized the international conference "ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference" on October 13-14, 2022.