Institute of Social Sciences at the fifth ESS conference
18. July 2024Management CSPS SAS
12. January 2025Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences SAS Presentation - CLICK HERE
Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences (CSPS) was established on 1.10.2015 by a merger of three research facilities: Institute of Social Sciences SAS, Institute for Forecasting and Institute of Experimental Psychology. The main mission of the CSPS SAS is to perform research activities, and to collect, process and disseminate scientific information. CSPS SAS is focused on interdisciplinary primary and applied research in following areas:
- History, sociology, economics, demography and demo-geography, socio-cultural and socio-political aspects and its relations to development of Slovakia in central European context
- Slovak history of 20. century, mostly development of ethnic minorities in Slovakia and in near boarder regions of our neighbor countries in the context of European history
- Social psychology, organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and school psychology
- Psychological processes of personality with the goal of understanding psychological aspects of optimal human functioning in various life situations: work, problem solving, strain situations, decision making, educations, micro - and macro – social interactions
- Theoretical, methodological and conceptual problems of forecasting of Slovak society development in national and global context
- Socio-economical dimension of global and environmental changes, environmental management and space planning
- Coevolution of instructional and technological change
CSPS is focused on basic research in the field of social sciences, in particular in history and social psychology. CSPS is focused on interdisciplinary research of socio-cultural and socio-political aspects of the developments in Slovakia in the Central European context. The attention is focused mainly on the research of the Slovak history of the 20th century, mainly on the development of ethnic minorities in Slovakia and bordering regions of neighbouring countries, and on the research in social psychology, work psychology, neuropsychology, and school psychology.
CSPS performs forecasts/foresights in the fields of research and science development and socio-economic development.
CSPS performs within the above-mentioned field of activities also theoretical, methodological, coordination and educational functions.
CSPS develops analysis and concepts of policies in the field of economic, social, technological, and environmental developments for the purposes of stateagencies, local authorities, and important national and international organizations.
CSPS provides consultancy and expert services for state organs, national and international cultural institutions, and other institutions and organizations.
CSPS cooperates with universities in the provision of graduate education in internal and external forms that result in grating tertiary university education pertaining to the PhD degree. As external educational institution the CSPS can apply for the right to implement graduate educational programs in accordance with § 54 paragraph 12 of the Act No. 131/2002 Coll. Of Law on higher educational institutions.
CSPS carries out publication of the results of research and scientific activities by the means of periodical and non-periodical print.