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2. March 2017
RARE – The Right Roma on the Job!
1. May 2018On 16-17 March, 2017 in the High Tatras, in Stara Ljesna, the Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences hosted an International scientific and practical conference "Innovative Provision of the Modern Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine."
The conference was held within the framework of the project "Information Management and Implementation of Innovative Approaches to Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine", funded by a grant from the Norwegian kingdom with the help of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic.
Apart from the project beneficiary - the Centre of social and psychological sciences of Slovak Academy of Sciences and its partners, this highly representative forum (of a total of about 70 people) was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, the Czech Republic, Hungary, authoritative experts from Poland, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Ukraine.
Short video of the conference here.