RARE – The Right Roma on the Job!
1. May 2018
Conference Invitation
22. April 2021On March 6th, Institute for Forecasting of the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences hosted a dissemination seminar presenting the first results of ENLIVEN's research. The participants at the event included experts in the areas of LLL, social and employment policies, representatives of educational institutions and non-governmental institutions who work with the relevant target groups.
First findings from Enliven research presented at the seminar included:
- at the level of programmes and actors we confirmed the need to support intersectoral and multi- level governance coordination in design of policies supporting LLL, interlinkages between social and education policies and improved access to LLL for disadvantaged groups.
- the access to LLL opportunities is unequal, with higher differences between high and lowly qualified while the situation is worse in countries with higher share of highly routinised job positions such as Slovakia.
- structure of the labour market is important factor for LLL opportunities, and labour market structure in Slovakia is a negative factor for LLL participation
- one of the vulnerable groups are ELET (early leavers from education and training, previously early school leavers), adults who left the initial education system with low levels of attained qualifications. It is crucial to introduce measured preventing adults from ELET.
- support to LLL from public funding which is exclusively linked with immediate employability at the local labour markets may contributed to disadvantaged situation in weakly developed regions and localities. It is important to enforce lifelong learning dimension of skills development in the framework of solutions at local level.
The IDSS diagnostic tool, developed to support actors of LLL in the process of policy design and delivery, was presented and demonstrated to the participants of the seminar.
H2020 project Enliven has been in the final third undertaking interdisciplinary research in 8 countries focused on acquiring knew knowledge about lifelong learning (LLL). New evidence from Enliven research is being used for effective policies supporting access to lifelong learning of adult, youth and disadvantaged groups in particular.