Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Policy, SAS and Nice
18. July 2016
We help Roma integration of Roma into the labour market within Danube region
2. March 2017CSPS is organising Open Conference under the auspices of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union,
Global Megatrends and Slovak Republic
organised by the Centre for Social and Psychological Sciences of SAS
in cooperation with the Institute of Landscape Ecology of SAS
and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Day 1 of the conference is dedicated to the presentation of recent research related to Global Megatrends and their implications for Slovak Republic that was carried out by various Slovak scientific institutions and government agencies under the coordination of the Centre for Social and Psychological Sciences and Institute of Landscape Ecology of SAS. Following the Interim Workshop carried out by the GMT team in April 2016, where most of GMTs were presented and discussed, the goals of the final conference are threefold: (a) to present and discuss some of the new contributions made after the Interim Workshop, in particular the section on Food (Resources), (b) to discuss the final version of the monograph Global Megatrends and Slovak Republic, and (c) to provide bridging from the GMT-related topics to further interdisciplinary research, notably in the field of social and regional development and social inclusion.
Day 1 also offers presentation of the European Social Survey – an important European initiative and a part of ERIC network and the possibilities of using the ESS data for measuring and monitoring of social development and social inclusion in Slovakia and Europe.
Day 2 is dedicated to the topics of global development, social development and inclusion, and possibilities for development of interdisciplinary research and cooperation focused on between UNESCO, other international organisations, and key stakeholders and partners in Slovakia (e.g. SAS institutes, Universities, Government agencies, NGOs, general public).
Day 3 is dedicated to interactive workshop focused on the possibilities for developing interdisciplinary research focussing on the issue of water resources and water management in Slovakia with implications for Europe. Slovakia as a country with substantial water resources and geographical source of several major European rivers belongs to key stakeholders in the field of water management and protection. SAS developed initiative framed by the WATERS project that seeks cooperation with ERC, UNESCO, and other key international and national stakeholders. Workshop participants will discuss the project proposal, its activities and possibilities for collaboration and networking. Presence of resource persons from UNESCO and Ministry of Foreign Affairs will provide valuable information and orientation for the participants.