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12. January 2025The national coordinators of the European Social Survey project, Michal Kentoš and Denisa Fedáková, presented the results of the Slovak pilot of data collection in the form of self-completion (SC) on 8-10 July 20204 at the fifth international ESS conference, in the ISCTE university premises in Lisbon.
In the contribution entitled "Self-completion feasibility testing in ESS Round 11 in Slovakia. Aims, worries and reality" they reported on findings and experiences in connection with the form of SC collection. Since Slovakia has not yet experienced this form of data collection in a large-scale social survey, the paper attracted the attention of the participants of the conference and contributed to a valuable discussion. The conference program can be viewed here: https://europeansocialsurvey.org/about/ess-conference/5th-international-ess-conference/conference-agenda
Three invited lectures were given at the conference. The first lecture "A virtuous circle redux: The media and trustworthiness in the digital age" was delivered by renowned political science researcher Pippa Norris. The second invited lecture "A cross-national survey transformation: the move to self-completion interviewing on Europe's flagship cross-national general social survey" was delivered by the director of ESS, Rory Fitzgerald, and with the third key-note lecture How (un)fair is Europe? the winner of the 2024 Jowell-Kaase Early career researcher Jole Adriaans from Bielefeld University presented herself.
The conference contributed to many meetings and stimulated endless discussions and exchange of experiences. The organizing team created great conditions and an extremely friendly and collaborative atmosphere for the participants of the conference.