Organizational units
1. June 2021
On May 26, 2021, the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences organized an international workshop “Mutual Learning Lab 2”, on the posting of workers - employees sent by their employer to carry out a service in another EU Member State on a temporary basis.
28. April 2021
On April 12, 2021, our researchers Ivana Studená and Lucia Kováčová participated in the Strategic Board Meeting 2 within the POW-Bridge project - Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers.
22. April 2021
The Institute of Social Sciences CSPS SAS as one of the partners of the Visegrad Grant project Post-WWII Migration Flows in the V4 States in the Context of Propaganda Studies invite you to a conference entitled Post-WWII Migration (not only) in the Propaganda Studies Context.