22. June 2023
Branislav Šprocha and Klara Kohoutová receive prestigious Slovak Academy of Sciences Awards
13. September 2023The aim of the webinar, which was co-organised by the ESFRI Strategy Working Group Social and Cultural Innovation (SWG SCI) and the European Alliance of Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH), was to create an opportunity for getting to know the possibilities for Ukraine's involvement in research infrastructures. The webinar brought together experts from European research infrastructures, funders at the European, national and private level, as well as delegates from ESFRI and national research infrastructures.
Space was given, among others, to those research infrastructures (ESS ERIC and GGP) that have already started cooperation with Ukraine to talk about their experiences and the challenges they face. Presentations and discussion took place in three thematic areas: 1) data collection and 2) data archiving in the social sciences as well as 3) data and digitization in the field of humanities and cultural heritage. All three areas had an overarching aspect: how to provide scientific data for research in social sciences and humanities in Ukraine and how Ukraine can cooperate with European research infrastructures.
The webinar also highlighted the potential impact of social science and humanities research infrastructures on various policy areas. He highlighted current funding gaps, but also highlighted existing opportunities. Among them is, for example, the SSHOC platform, an open cloud of social sciences and humanities. The discussion ended with a proposal for further cooperation in the near future.
More info here: https://eassh.eu/Thematic/Events/Scientific-data-about-society-in-Ukraine