18. July 2024

Institute of Social Sciences at the fifth ESS conference

he national coordinators of the European Social Survey project, Michal Kentoš and Denisa Fedáková, presented the results of the Slovak pilot of data collection in the form of self-completion (SC) on 8-10 July 20204 at the fifth international ESS conference, in the ISCTE university premises in Lisbon.
5. June 2024

Košice will host the prestigious summer school of the European Association of Social Psychology

The Institute of Social Sciences of the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the University of Groningen, Netherlands, will host the prestigious summer school of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) for doctoral students in the field of social psychology.
5. January 2024

Final Conference of the ISKILL project in Brussels

On 13th October 2023, our colleagues Ivana Studená, Miroslav Štefánik and Lucia Kováčová participated in the final conference of the ISKILL project: Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue to Kick-In Inclusive Adult Learning at the premises of Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), a leader of the project.