Final Conference and Upscaling Event of the INFO-POW project in Bratislava
23. January 2024
ReSPS Research for Social Psychological Sciences: April 9, 2024
28. February 2024Two new studies were published on the website of the CSPS SAS Institute for Forecasting, the authors of which are researchers Dušana Dokupilová and Martina Repíková.
The aim of the studies was to propose possible settings of national policies, but also the inevitable change in the behavior of the population, which would lead to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The authors offer a scenario of measures by which Slovakia would become a carbon-neutral country by 2050.
The second study focused on the possibilities of fulfilling the Regulation on Joint Efforts, which obliges us as a country to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in sectors outside the EU ETS (buildings, transport, industrial processes and agriculture) to decrease emissions by 22.7% by 2030 compared to 2005. Dokupilová and Repíková examine what policies could help fulfill this commitment. At the same time, they also analyze the impact of changing the population's behavior on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the extent of changes that are necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The results were communicated and discussed at sectoral workshops, which took place at the beginning of February 2024. The scientists of the Institute for Forecasting continue to work on modeling scenarios with the aim of supporting Slovakia in achieving its obligations related to reducing emissions.
The research also includes the 2050 Pathways Explorer modeling tool, which allows creating and visualizing low-carbon development scenarios. The model is available online.
The mentioned studies can be downloaded at the following links: