
EAI Mobility IoT 2021 - The Best paper award

The International conference EAI Mobility IoT 2021 - 8th EAI International Conference on Mobility, IoT and Smart Cities was held as a fully-fledged online conference on December 10, 2021. The Best paper award was granted to authors Ľubica Kotorová Slušná and Miroslav Balog from the Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of SAS (Institute for Forecasting) for their work entitled:  Identification of key actors in Industry 4.0 informal R & D network.

15.12.2021 / Conference

International workshop about the posting of workers within EU

On May 26, 2021, the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences organized an international workshop “Mutual Learning Lab 2”, on the posting of workers - employees sent by their employer to carry out a service in another EU Member State on a temporary basis. The workshop aimed to discuss solutions and policy recommendations addressing challenges of the enactment of posting of workers at the national level (from the perspective of project countries) as well as at the EU level.

01.06.2021 / Conference

Conference Invitation

The Institute of Social Sciences CSPS SAS as one of the partners of the Visegrad Grant project Post-WWII Migration Flows in the V4 States in the Context of Propaganda Studies invite you to a conference entitled Post-WWII Migration (not only) in the Propaganda Studies Context.

22.04.2021 / Conference

Through innovations to effective cooperation

On 16-17 March, 2017 in the High Tatras, in Stara Ljesna, the Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences hosted an International scientific and practical conference "Innovative Provision of the Modern Cross-Border Cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine."

06.04.2017 / Conference

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs has provided the patronage for the event organized by the Slovak Academy of Science

Globálne megatrendy a vývojové tendencie vo vzťahu k Slovenskej republike, ako napríklad populačné trendy, urbanizácia, riziká pandémií, technologický pokrok, hospodársky rast, multipolárny svet, súťaž o zdroje – voda, energia, potraviny, rastúci tlak na ekosystémy, zmeny klímy, znečistenie životného prostredia či diverzifikujúce sa prístupy k riadeniu, to všetko boli témy a problémy, ktorými sa zaoberala medzinárodná konferencia „Globálne megatrendy a Slovenská republika“, ktorá sa konala v dňoch 19. až 21. septembra v KC Smolenice.

28.09.2016 / Conference

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  • Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, SAS
    Sancova 56
    811 05 Bratislava
    The Slovak republic

  • Secretariat: +421 (5) 625 58 86