On May 1st, all 8 countries involved in the RARE: Changing Discourses, Changing Practices: The Roma as Human Resource project celebrate together the rights of Roma people on the labor market in a common campaign for the International Labor Day. We commemorate equal work rights and bring to the attention of Europe's employees and employers that together we can improve the working conditions and access of the Roma people in the labor market.
The destinies of Roma people are intersected more than it seems, and for the last few hundred years they are an active part of the European society. On the occasion of the International Labor Day, we celebrate and revaluate on Roma people - our everyday heroes – with whom we are very proud of and need as an example for the next generations!
Roma are the largest ethnic minority in the European Union and among the most disadvantaged: they still face social today exclusion, discrimination and unequal access to employment, education, housing and health. 5.2 million people the majority of the Roma population, live in the Danube region and continue to face intolerance, discrimination and exclusion from the labor market.
RARE (Roma as a Human Resource) aims to change this situation and encourage partnerships between institutions, governments and organizations to provide access to the labor market and to harness the economic potential of the Roma people. The RARE partners are developing and testing new models of innovative intervention for economic and social inclusion.
Labor Day is therefore the day dedicated to the successes of previous generations to improve working conditions and equality in the contemporary global and European economy.
We are going to introduce our heroes in the next few days! Join us!
Centrum spoločenských
a psychologických vied SAV, v.v.i.
Šancová 56
811 05 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
IČO: 00596795
DIČ: 2021299467
PIC: 991639925
Sekretariát: +421 (5) 625 58 86